There are no healthcare services based in the village but those listed below are within a 2.5 mile radius.
Doctors |
The Rooksdown Practice Mill Road Rooksdown Basingstoke RG249SP Tel: 01256 399710 |  |
Marlowe Partnership Fort Hill Surgery Winklebury Centre Basingstoke RG238BU Tel: 01256 359440 | The Bermuda Practice Shakespeare House Health Center Shakespear Road Popley, Basingstoke RG249DT Tel: 0844 8800498 |
Winklebury Dental Practice Winklebury Centre Basingstoke RG23 8BU Tel: 01256 354227
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Mr A Shenyan 102 Stratfield Road Basingstoke RG21 5SA Tel: 01256 326690
| ADP Dental Co Ltd Shakespeare House Shakespear Road Basingstoke RG24 9DS Tel: 01256 328662
Pharmacies |
Rooksdown Pharmacy Park Prewett Road Basingstoke RG24 9RG Tel: 01256 320303
| Fastfare Pharmacy Unit 3 Abbey Parade Abbey Road Popley RG24 9ES Tel: 01256 357637 |
Hospitals |
Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital Aldermaston Road Basingstoke RG24 9NA Tel: 01256 473 202
Has an Accident and Emergency department
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For details of other healthcare services visit