In an emergency...
...always ring 999
101 Non-emergency
For non-emergency anti-social behaviour, community safety advice, information
and action please ring 101 (calls cost a flat rate of ten pence)
here for further info on the 101 service
General Enquiries
Call 0845 045 45 45 for general enquiries or if you wish to report a
crime (calls are charged at the local rate). All calls to the police are
monitored for training and development purposes.
Local Policing
The Safer Neighbourhoods Team for Wolverton, Ramsdell, Charter Alley, Monk
Sherborne and Sherborne St. John is WPC Miriam Edwards.
The main policing priorities for the area are to:
- Continue to carry out high visibility patrols, in both vehicles and on foot,
to reassure the community and to prevent crime and anti-social behaviour
- Tackle speeding by regularly using speed enforcement visits through working
with the Roads Policing Unit and the Community Reaction Team
- Maintain close contact with the parish councils and other interest groups in
the community, including Neighbourhood Watch
If you'd like to speak to your loacl officers please call 0845 045
4545 or email the
here for more information on local policing in the area