Priory Primary School
Pamber End
RG26 5QD
School Office:
01256 850062
to map
the school
The Priory Primary School is a foundation school directly funded by Hampshire
County Council and is an integral,much respected part of local village life.
It is a closely-knit school, small enough that every child is personally
known by name to all other pupils and staff, generating a real sense of
belonging and friendship throughout the school. The traditional small village
school atmosphere still flourishes and is cherished by parents, pupils, staff,
governors and local people alike.
The school caters for children from the age of 5 to 11 years old and has 168
pupils on roll, with a maximum class size of 24 pupils. Demand for places is
very high and the school is oversubscribed with applications each year.
Further details, including the latest Ofsted Inspection Report, can be found